Wednesday, June 13, 2007

steevie's good nighte kiss

Dear Nut man,

My name is steevie. I have two questions for you. MY first quesiton is how can you have a website you're apeanut?!

MY second question is a bout girls. I know this girl, A, who wants to date but I don't know where to take her or what do to odo for a date. What should i do to really WOW her for the date? CAn i kiss her at the end of the nighte???

LEt me know if you can help me.

~ Steevie the Man

dear steevie "the man",

although you are clearly a drooling, pantsless philistine unworthy of my georgian quill, i shall answer thine appeals pursuant to clause five, section ten of the peanut clan scriptures:

"whosoever tosseth the drooling and pantsless a bone shall receive a heavenly spiced rind massage from the nitrate-rich angels fortnightly."

i am a saint.

now then, steevie. brace yourself: it is said amongst the peanut elders: rinds of a kind crave similar salt. being a dunce, i can only assume your pastimes include horticulture and loin-soiling. if you should perchance to notice a pungent urine-musk cloud billowing forth from the crotch of your beloved - or a bonsai tree in her locker - then you need only follow these simple steps:

  • purchase a pair of filthy dungarees

  • fasten them about you, one greasy tentacle at a time

  • ask your lover-to-be if she has been recently flagellated by any members of phylum heterokontophyta, for her sheen is rosy and pure

  • when she swoons, offer her a moldy asparagus and have her meet you behind the laundromat in her aforementioned "nighte"

  • when she arrives, sing "come sail away" by styx, shirtless

  • kissing the end of her nighte will be difficult, but you will find oil-encrusted, serpentine lips there if you look closely. these lips bear the secrets of the multiverse and untold pleasures of the rind.

  • i'm ready for my enspicening,
    the peanut guy!

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