Thursday, June 28, 2007

"i really want to go off the high dive"

Dear Peanut Guy,

I really want to go off the high dive, but i am afraid to. I don't know why I'm afraid, because I went off it before. Can you help?

~Brad W.

dear brad,

conquering one's fears is perhaps the noblest endeavor of man and nut alike. when i was your age my greatest fear was a tie between eating feces and cambodia. then, for twelve years i survived off sunlight and feces in the dank cambodian jungle, where i met peanut gal and really learned to love life even at its most feculent.

however, for your particular ailment the peanut elders recommend frightening your parents by wearing ninja tights and reciting haikus. example:

the sky is a rock
the rock looks like a big skull
the skull will eat mom!

after that, diving will be easy as honey baked pie.

adieu sweet brad,
the peanut guy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"my friend never comes to church anymore"

Dear Peanut Guy,

My friend never comes to church much anymore. Can you help me talk him into coming more often?

~Cory, 8 Texas

dear cory,

you can't be sure until you find the horns, but i'd bet dollars to sweat lodge tickets your friend has discovered the wonderful world of wicca. what does this mean for cory you ask?

few times are more thrilling than seeing your first friend off to hell. i might suggest burning your friend at the stake or tacking her down and leaving her in the desert. this won't save her from an eternity in fiery brimstone, but if you eat a thimbleful of sand, chances are you'll see jesus.

the peanut guy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

peanut guy: delicious fraud?

Dear Peanut Guy,

I sent you a letter many moons ago and you failed to answer me. You are a fraud, a giant delicious shell of a fraud. At this time, I have employed Mr. Planters to come kick your butt. You will soon be the filling in the most delicious PB & J I have ever eaten. Consider yourself warned.


~Sitting Angrily with Rage Growing Every moment.

dear SARGE,

mention not the whore at planters! for eons has he shamed his noble kin - nuts of glory who polished his stalk since seedlinghood, carved him a cane when he fell ill with polio and equipped him with monocle when he caught pinkeye. how he angers all peanutkind! and how his goons have ravaged myriad peanut armada missions, including one manned by a young and impressionable petty officer peanutguy!

as countless bushels of my comrades lay broken and splintered, there he crouched, sucking the salt from their moribund rinds with crazed cackles of sadistic revelry. then his cell phone rang and he pranced off like a scampering dandy to his fecund bog in Wilkes-Barre.

threaten me not, knave. thou knowest well why thine questions were left to fester like so many larvae in my overflowing inbox. unlike the planters crowd with which you run, this is a classy establishment which prints not those words which are unfit to print. however: so long as you call off the jackal, i shall answer your previous question with sinful parts redacted, in accordance with the doctrine of freshness:

Dear Peanut Guy,
For years now I have loved a young, supple Kentuckian boy who sends me mixed signals. He has allowed me to drink champagne off his hairy, washboard of a chest or massage his *redacted* back. And yet when it comes time to actually *redacted* his *redacted* body, it’s always, “Dude, I’m not *redacted*.” Well, horse-relish to that, I say. I, too, may “*redacted**redacted* college girls, but I know love when I see it, and I see it now. “*redacted*,” I scream, “my love for you shall last throughout the ages.” And yet, he still doesn’t even have the courtesy to give me a *redacted*. Peanut Guy, I implore you, tell me how to snare this Jackalope of Love from the Bluegrass State.

well, "SARGE," have you tried treating him like a gentleman? the kentuckians are known romantics, particularly the supple ones. drinking champagne from the chest of a kentuckian is like shaking the hand of a non-kentuckian - a mere friendly greeting. massaging the *redacted* back of a kentuckian is akin to picking the lint off the sweater of a non-kentuckian - a mere thoughtful gesture extended to even the lowliest back-alley leper.

it seems to me your lustful uproars must merely frighten this poor, *redacted* *redacted*-kitten, who likely has nary an inkling of your love for him, for the kentuckian is the modern day siren whose soulful and sensuous snacking pull even the most headstrong captains off course from the gulfstream of life: not even the mightiest peanut armada can save those who fall prey to their cheeto-encrusted whims. besides, he's already *redacted*ing peanut guy.

the peanut guy!

Monday, June 25, 2007

sorority function : earth

dear peanut guy,

ok i have a sorority function on friday and want to ask this guy to go. the problem is i don't really know him i have just seen him around and am interested in him and think he may be fun to go with and meet someone new. so i was wondering how i should approach him and ask with out soudning stupid b/c i don't know him. the thing is this friday and i wanted to ask him by wednesdaty at the latest. so thanks for helping me out!

~sincerely, stressed sorority girl

dear stressed sorority girl,

in an instant my skull was filled with light and sound. from overhead, the cawing of carrion birds sifted through my cloudy earbones and the answer came to me from afar. i saw you tiptoeing through the dormitory, with functions on the horizon; functions galore. 'who shall take me to the functions?' you called out in vain. would it be peanut guy?...

the gods got together to plan their own function and called it earth. said one to the other, "would but i had a date to the function!" replied the other, "ah, and how to ask without soudning stupid! for i wanted to ask jerry by 'wednesdaty', but 'thursdaty' it is, and jerry prances about in the rocky, violent terrain of this freshly born world looking cavalier as ever!" at this point, jerry stops by and bows gracefully. "why meet someone new when the peanut guy is right o'er yonder?"

a ray of light appeared in the distance and the earth shook. it was a man made of peanut, in all of his handsome majesty. soon jerry meant nothing, and the gods all took peanut guy to the prom and bathed him in candy while jerry sat about twiddling his thumbs and was promptly consumed in volcanic ash.

now i ask you...dream or destiny?!
the peanut guy!