Thursday, June 28, 2007

"i really want to go off the high dive"

Dear Peanut Guy,

I really want to go off the high dive, but i am afraid to. I don't know why I'm afraid, because I went off it before. Can you help?

~Brad W.

dear brad,

conquering one's fears is perhaps the noblest endeavor of man and nut alike. when i was your age my greatest fear was a tie between eating feces and cambodia. then, for twelve years i survived off sunlight and feces in the dank cambodian jungle, where i met peanut gal and really learned to love life even at its most feculent.

however, for your particular ailment the peanut elders recommend frightening your parents by wearing ninja tights and reciting haikus. example:

the sky is a rock
the rock looks like a big skull
the skull will eat mom!

after that, diving will be easy as honey baked pie.

adieu sweet brad,
the peanut guy!

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