Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the proverbial five months chat

Dear Peanut Guy,

My online boyfriend disappeared after five months chat? Everything was ok till the last day we talked.What should I do?
Should I email him again?

~Julija H

dear julija,

my rind buckles beneath the incalculable prescience contained in the following peanut proverb-of-old:

those who dismember rhizobia tendrils
are the same who plug blowholes of whales;
when they're not leaving poop in the doorways of sages,
they're sending mom farts in the mail.

the last day you talked he was preening his stalk
for a night of weird digital passion
but the gods guarantee, to the umpteenth degree
that his rind is now saltless and ashen.

this plebe shall remember the ides of november,
now he roams the bleak plane of mistakes.
and if it be your will, then the ancients shall fill
his canteen up with infinite snakes.

for east europeans are very well seasoned--
they're the boston baked beans of the sentient;
and to be done with that after five months of chat
is the ultimate zenith of deviance.

merely say the word, sweet julija.
sweet julija; let us be friends.

the peanut guy!